Science Curriculum Wayfinder

Tools for Navigating the Alberta K-6 Science Curriculum

Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (CMASTE)
University of Alberta


This website hosts resources developed to support teachers in implementing the Alberta Science Curriculum initially released in 2023. The resources were created with support from the Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (CMASTE) and contributions from students in the Faculty of Education, Elementary Education B.Ed. program.  

We will be continuing to add resources to this site, so please check back regularly.


Curriculum Maps - One page visual presentations of the knowledge, understanding, and skills & procedures (KUSP) outcomes for each guiding question in the curriculum. 

Teaching Resources - Searchable database of teaching resources aligned with the Alberta science curriculum. 

Sample Year and Unit Plans - Sample year and unit plans designed to demonstrate various ways that science outcomes could be sequenced during an academic year. 

Resources by Grade - Same resources, organized by grade level.

More Sites - Additional sites hosting resources for teaching the Alberta K-6 Science Curriculum.

Sample Lesson Plans - IN DEVELOPMENT

Science Misconceptions - IN DEVELOPMENT